840 Obserwatorzy
33 Obserwuję


Bo miłość do książek nie ma granic ;)

Teraz czytam

Porzucone królestwo
Feliks W. Kres
Bar dla potępionych
Kealan Patrick Burke, Grzegorz Komerski

You're really into a book, when...

1. Actually attempting to read at work or school without getting caught

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

2. Spending your lunch break reading and at peace

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

3. Getting to a good part when you should be sleeping

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

4. Seeing the time at night after saying “just one more chapter” several times

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

5. Finally putting down the book and falling right asleep

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

6. Saying goodbye to your social life temporarily so that you can continue your book

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

7. Not understanding why everyone else around you isn’t reading!

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

8. Talking only about your book whenever an opportunity arises to talk to someone else

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

9. Getting to a really good part…

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

10. …and sometimes getting to a not-so-good part.

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book
11. That moment when you’re finished with the book…
12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book

12. …and the joy of starting another.

12 Signs You're Really Into Your Book
Źródło materiału: http://www.buzzfeed.com/books